
Design and optimisation of care pathways using service design.

Metro Mapping is a service design method to design and optimise care pathways.

Metro Mapping literally maps the complexity of a medical care path in a Metro Map. The overview of a Metro Map makes it possible to improve the care path together, for example around shared decision-making, multidisciplinary collaboration or the introduction of an EHR or patient portal.

Our service designers can help you with:

  • Analysing and displaying the current care pathway.
  • Evaluating the current care pathway with all stakeholders.
  • the (Re)design of the care pathway through co-creation.
  • Designing solutions to realise the new care pathway.

Collaborating parties

Metro Map

The metro map is an overview of the steps in the care pathway, patient information, all the involved healthcare professionals, the environment in which care takes place and the experiences of patients and relatives

Unique approach

Metro Mapping is a unique approach that our service designers use to design and optimise care pathways together with healthcare providers, patients or their representatives.

A project often starts by mapping the current situation and areas for improvement in the Metro Map 'as is'. Together with stakeholders, the care path is (re)designed in the form of a Metro Map 'to be'. To implement the new way of working, new tools need to be developed (e.g. working arrangements, digital or physical tools).

On the Metro Mapping website, you can find more information about this methodology.


Metro Map as is


Metro Map to be


Metro Map realised

European partnership

Metro Mapping was developed by Ingeborg Griffioen (6 April 1971 - 13 April 2022) as part of her PhD research at TU Delft and LUMC. She developed Metro Mapping to promote collaborative decision-making in oncology.

In the Horizon Europe grant project 4D Picture, Metro Mapping is being tested and further developed in a European partnership.

Want to know more about Metro Mapping?
Get in touch with Jasper Brands