Designers for healthcare

Beter Gezond

A healthier lifestyle in 30 days

In collaboration with the Radboudumc, Tabula Rasa, Tremani and Panton have developed the Beter Gezond app (better health app). With this app, Radboudumc wants to support cancer patients to adjust their lifestyle and give them insight into the effect of their own lifestyle on their treatment or prognosis.

Every year, more than 100,000 people in the Netherlands are told they have cancer. 700,000 people in the Netherlands already live with cancer. A lot of patients want to know what they themselves can do to improve their outlook and quality of life. People can do more than they might initially think.

For a number of cancer types, it is already known that a healthy lifestyle (more exercise, no alcohol, a healthy weight, enough fruit and vegetables and, of course, no smoking) improves their prognosis. Even after a cancer diagnosis, a healthy lifestyle can have a positive effect. Yet, it is not a standard topic of conversation between patients and doctors.

Radboudumc wants to change this with the Beter Gezond app.

"I wanted to do something against my illness, walking makes me feel like I can do something against my illness and feel more energetic."
Quote of a user - in the Beter Health app

A helping hand

The Beter Gezond app offers patients a helping hand to make their lifestyle healthier. The app helps to learn healthier habits in a practical and feasible way, such as exercising more, drinking no or less alcohol or achieving a healthier weight.

The app offers:

  • three healthy lifestyles to work on for 30 days: more exercise, no alcohol, a healthier weight
  • knowledge of what is demonstrably healthy
  • a tool to determine your own action plan
  • timeline to keep track of whether healthier life is succeeding
  • short news items with facts about lifestyle and a cancer prognosis
  • tips from other users to make it easier to maintain a healthy lifestyle
  • links to trustworthy websites for more information

Behavioral Sciences

Tabula Rasa leverde de strategie op basis van gedrags- en communicatie­wetenschap, Tremani bouwde de app en Panton verzorgde het design, de gebruiksflow en de user-interface. Middels diverse simulaties en prototypes is samen met eindgebruikers toegewerkt naar een pilotversie.

This version was launched in the App Store and the Play store, so that patients and doctors could gain experience with the app. 

Do you want to work together on tomorrow's care?
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