Isala apps

Recognisable apps for patients and healthcare professionals

Interaction design for the Isala Hospital

Developments in the field of eHealth are happening fast. As a top clinical hospital, Isala considers innovation essential. The hospital wants to use new eHealth developments to provide optimal support to its patients and staff. This is possible with an ambitious and strong ICT-team that Isala has in-house. Since 2016 Panton has been working intensively together on the development and interaction design of apps released by the hospital itself. The first apps were launched in 2017, including the Isala appwijzer and the Isala app. More apps will be added in the coming period.

Isala appwijzer

There are hundreds of apps in the appstores that deal with health or care. But which app is reliable, good and suitable for Dutch healthcare? Isala was the first hospital in the Netherlands to develop the appwijzer (app guide) together with Panton. The appwijzer offers an overview of various care and health apps that are recommended by Isala specialists.
"One of the best e-health projects we do, I think, is our Appwijzer.
Rob Dillmann, chairman of the Isala board - in an interview with zorgvisie

Isala app

The Isala Hospital is spread over five locations in Zwolle, Meppel, Steenwijk, Kampen and Heerde. For patients and visitors, it is handy to know where to find which locations, what visiting hours apply where and to have all contact details at hand. The Isala app helps with this. In addition, users of the app can follow the latest news from Isala and submit their own tips and suggestions.

A unified family

In order to make the apps developed by Isala Hospital recognisable, Panton developed a visual design guideline for the user interface. Isala's brand identity has formed the basis for the graphic and interaction design of all apps. The style grid ensures that the apps, although different in content, form a unified family.
Do you want to work together on digital products for healthcare?
Get in touch with Mario de Zeeuw