Lunet zorg offers protected residential/care environments for people with intellectual disabilities in two residential parks. Panton was asked to develop a concept for new homes in these parks based on the needs of clients and employees, taking into account social developments such as staff shortages, the increase in complex care needs, and an ageing population.

In co-creation, we made the vision of Lunet zorg for the new homes more concrete. From different perspectives, it was investigated how homes can contribute to a pleasant, safe and future-proof living and working environment. During this phase, the design of the residential parks was also included.
The vision has been elaborated on concept level. Employees, from supervisors to management and client representatives, have helped design the layout of the homes.
The housing concept was developed into a vlekkenplan. This allowed both the functionality and the business case to be tested.
A vlekkenplan ensures that spaces are arranged as efficiently as possible based on their functionality and relationship to other spaces. It serves as a discussion tool in the early stages to explore which layout provides the best user flow without getting stuck on exact square footage.
With our service design approach, a residential concept has been developed that addresses both the organization's challenges and the needs of clients and employees. The concept makes collaboration between supervisors of different homes easier and offers clients more activities. This contributes to more person-centred care and safety.

The residential concept can be made suitable for various target groups with minor adjustments.

The board, employees and client representatives are positive about the new construction and improvement plans.