MSD (formerly Organon) is a worldwide producer of medication and medical devices. MSD asked Panton to develop a NuvaRing applicator. The applicator guarantees a comfortable and hygienic way of inserting of the NuvaRing.
NuvaRing is a contraception device in the form of a small flexible ring which is inserted into the vagina to stay there for 3 weeks. The great advantage of NuvaRing compared to contraception pills is the fact that you don’t have remember to take a pill every day.

Women from different countries were asked about their opinion on the insertion of the NuvaRing.
The correct placement of the ring and the woman's certainty about it emerged as important concerns for the development of the insertion device. Improving comfort during use and hygienic placement of the NuvaRing were also mentioned by many women.
Design concept
With these considerations in mind various concepts were developed and tested. Because tangible prototypes evoke true reactions, we used 3D printed models to learn how a group of women experienced the different designs.
We did usability evaluations in several countries, with various prototypes. The results of these tests yielded valuable input for further improvement of the applicator.
Detailing and prototyping
In cooperation with a local manufacturer a pre-production mould was made. In this way we could accurately define the composition and blend of the synthetic material. By means of extensive mechanical tests the parts were optimalised for assembling and usage. In user tests the design was tested on functionality as well as on user friendliness and comfort.
In the final development phase Panton supported MSD in the search for a producer, developing the mould construction and the assembly line of the applicator, and validating the production process. Subsequently, Panton designed the packaging and also provided a concept for the packaging process.

CE certification
De applicator wordt gedefinieerd als een medisch product volgende de Medical Device Directive en FDA regulering. Gedurende het ontwerpproces werden alle overwegingen en keuzes gedocumenteerd op basis van het MSD kwaliteitsmanagement systeem. In 2016 kwam de NuvaRing Applicator op de markt.
As of 2021, the NuvaRing applicator has limited availability. The reason for this is unkown to us. Please contact your family doctor or pharmacy regarding questions about the NuvaRing applicator and where it can be obtained.